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02 ม.ค. 20

Live mindfully. Do good, feel good. 

At WWG, we begin our journey with a deep rooted belief that our body’s wellbeing is essential to everything. A general sense of wellness should be maintained and our body nurtured. Our self care rituals should not negatively impact the world we are living in, or implicate our surroundings. At WWG, we encourage people to be conscious about their choices. 

We operate with a deep rooted respect for nature and its resources. We wish to embark on a sustainable journey, and trace our footsteps specifically from the environmental impact of our ingredients, raw materials, fibres and dyes to ensure that there’s no environmental harm. We also work directly with local farmers for ingredients such as rice for our rice bath soak, ensuring that everything is local, organic and good for the soul. 

For us, being responsible for our actions and to be transparent with our customers is our priority. We aim to serve people and create products  that improves your well-being, as well as lessen environmental impacts in things such as clothing and herbal balm. At WWG, rest assured that everything we do has no negative impact on the world

We are proud to be the first sustainable, eco-friendly spa in Bangkok. This is only the beginning of our journey.

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